Many mobile homes feature Double Glazing and Central Heating. If you have both these features, it can still mean that the home doesn’t qualify to have the specification BS 3632, the Residential Specification.
BS 3632 is a residential specification which means the mobile home is designed for residential use. However a mobile home can still have elements of this residential specification but doesn’t qualify as a BS 3632 home as the rooms have to be of a minimum size. The EN 1647 standard generally means that the mobile home won’t have as high grade of insulation level as the BS 3632. You can get a mobile home which is large enough be built in a BS 3632 spec also in EN 1647 spec. There are also different grades of insulation, to make the home more suitable to what you are using it for, call our advisers to find the home that is right for you.
Or read through our blog that we have written about the differences in holiday homes (EN1647) and park homes (BS3632)
What is the difference between a Holiday Park vs a Residential Park – UK Caravan Centre
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