Meet Gareth, who looks after all the parks we supply to and their customers ….

Gareth, how did you find yourself in the Caravan Industry?
Many friends of mine had been working in the industry for a good few years and kept telling me to move over and try it, and in 2019 I finally decided to give it a go, went and worked on a park and have never looked back.
What do you do for the UK Caravan Centre?
I am the trade manager, which means I look after all of the trade accounts here at the UKCC. This involves helping get the right holiday homes for parks, whether this be new or used, arranging transport for the homes to be delivered if required, and assisting the parks with the PDI checks of the homes and any aftersales that occur.
How have you found the last couple of year in the wake of Covid?
The last few years have been difficult for all. The demand has been higher than it ever has, which did put a lot of stress on the manufacturers, who had a really difficult time of supplying the homes as quickly as parks required them. With the cost of everything going up, this has also driven the prices of holiday homes up which has also proved difficult in some circumstances; however, things are now much more improved, with lead times on homes coming back down to pre-covid times.
What do you like to do for fun?
Holidays, anywhere abroad and as much as possible! Also, I like to get out and play golf at least once a week (once the weather warms up, definitely not a winter golfer) and I love watching football, at any opportunity, especially my team Liverpool (although this year hasn’t been so fun to watch)
What do you see happening in the next few years for the Holiday Park industry?
I believe it will remain a very busy and popular option for many people in the UK. Of course, people will start to go abroad again now that it is an option, although I do believe that during covid, the holiday park industry gained a wider audience, with many people who hadn’t been going on UK holidays giving it a go and enjoying it very much and therefore I believe the holiday park industry will continue to prosper.
To talk to Gareth about any of your Park, or Holiday Home needs get in touch by phone or email by the below
Mobile: 07543138856
Or fill in your details below: